M2C gained a competitive edge, monetizing data through the digital transformation of its facility management services

  • M2C recognized the added value of data early on and thus expanded its offer with innovative services 
  • With data reporting, M2C customers have a tool for efficient and resource-conserving building management, including predicting visitor fluctuation, energy consumption, or infrastructure utilization 
  • The digitization and detailed reporting of data serve as potent retention tools for M2C

In the facility management sector, the game has changed. It’s not just about providing human resources for security or maintenance anymore. The real value lies in data and automation, offering insights and cost-effective operations. That’s why we chose to collaborate with CEOS Data. 

Jan Čulík 

Project Manager, Innovis, and M2C Group Company 


M2C: Full-Service Property Management and Security

M2C offers integrated facility management services, covering cleaning, maintenance, and security for both corporate and public buildings. With 30 years in the market, they’ve become one of the largest companies in the field. They operate across 12 European countries and have a workforce of 8,500. As a well-known trendsetter in their domain, they focus on developing innovative solutions, particularly through new IoT technologies. These advancements currently drive a digital transformation in the entire building management sector.

Evolving with Digital Trends and Delivering Innovations that Resonate with Customers

  • Data consolidation across various types of devices
  • Setting up new automated workflows
  • Market and competition analysis for data monetisation opportunities

From the outset, M2C had a clear vision: to bring customers a new standard of services in building management, maintenance, and security. Many companies in the facility management sector still base their business model on providing a workforce for physical security, cleaning, maintenance, or energy consumption monitoring. However, the industry has undergone significant digital transformation in recent years. This shift benefits customers, who receive more sophisticated services, as well as companies that introduce innovations, thus unlocking new revenue streams.
CEOS Data concentrated on enhancing the efficiency of data digitisation that M2C collects from cameras, temperature sensors, and other devices. The data is also gathered through direct supervision or maintenance and is then reported to clients. The aim was to minimize errors in manual data processing, such as copy/paste errors, duplication or omission of data, typos, etc. Moreover, dependence on specific individuals for report delivery could also negatively impact the customer experience due to the risk of delays or even omission of a report.
Another key aspect of the M2C and CEOS Data collaboration was leveraging a consulting team to develop a strategy for monetising IoT data in building management.

Our collaboration with CEOS Data mainly runs through our subsidiary, Innovis, the digital transformation hub for all M2C group companies. CEOS Data is our strategic partner for automated solutions, data processing and interpretation. They’re also our go-to consultants for monetising this goldmine of data. Thanks to this synergistic partnership, we’re accelerating our tech evolution even faster.

Jan Čulík

Project Manager, Innovis, and M2C Group Company


Blending Data Audits and Expert Consultation for a Winning Monetisation Strategy

  • Leveraging data audits and digitalisation as the bedrock for in-depth analytics
  • Building a data warehouse with automated data loading from endpoint devices
  • Deploying MS Power BI for streamlined data reporting
  • Strategizing and crafting novel approaches to integrate data products into M2C’s portfolio

Data Warehouse Capabilities

M2C’s tech stack, including camera systems, doesn’t just collect data. It serves it up in a user-friendly dashboard designed for quick and fuss-free insights. M2C continually develops and fine-tunes new features to offer deeper data interpretation and long-term trend analysis for an even richer user experience.
The approach involves archiving this data in a simple data warehouse, enabling retrospective data analysis and facilitating predictive analytics based on these data. Comprehensive data assessments and interactive reports are displayed and exported through intelligent BI reporting utilizing Microsoft Power BI. 

Smart BI Reporting and System Integration

We’ve seamlessly integrated BI reporting into the invoicing system. This creates an automated workflow that smoothly transitions from service analysis to customer invoicing, complete with detailed service reports and data insights.

Market Insight

Right from the start, M2C and CEOS Data focused on market analysis. The verdict? A growing demand for high-level data products. Clients now see automation as the standard and are all in for using data for smarter building management and understanding visitor behaviour all year round. 

Our consulting and tech teams have led the digital transformation for many companies. We understand that adapting to a new standard in the industry can be challenging. Digitalisation is not only about new technology; it’s also about evolving customer needs that demand a shift in business and marketing strategies.

Lukáš Baroch

Business Development Director, CEOS Data


Automated Reporting Services Attract Customers and Boost Retention Rates

  • M2C has entirely digitised data collection from devices and sensors used for building control and monitoring
  • Thanks to the data warehouse and BI reporting, M2C now offers new services to customers and has found a new source of revenue
  • Data reports give customers better control over building management and clearly show the benefits of using M2C’s services
The real game-changer in M2C’s new services lies in data and automation. This gives customers a granular view of their operations, enabling them to cut operational costs and ensure more reliable building performance.
Detailed reports on theft incidents, visitor stats, or energy savings are what make the value proposition and ROI crystal clear to M2C’s customers. Automated, in-depth reporting isn’t just an add-on to traditional building management services; it’s a cornerstone in the customer retention toolkit of M2C.

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